Steam Powered Sincerity …when creek water meets my inner fire!
The title of this expressionism painting is a reference to John Hartford’s classic song, “Steam Powered Aereo Plane”.
This abstract horse painting’s title was also inspired by the book I’m reading called Hunger Mountain by David Hinton. He talks about Sincerity being “the elemental structure of our Cosmos, with its ten thousand things in constant transformation….possessed always of a restless hunger.”
“I painted this colorful horse with a wild mane using just one red, blue, yellow, & white mixed together at different ratios.” – K. Paulette
This wild mustang horse art was featured in the Spring issue of Foothills Digest along with an 8-page article about K. Paulette.
Comments about this horse painting posted on social media:
Belinda Chestnutt wrote, “You sure catch the beauty of a horse.”
Evelyn Marie Coffey wrote, “His eyes look so real.”
Linda Graham wrote, “Beautiful and powerful!”
Susan Walker wrote, “Thank you for sharing your art, your passion, your inspiration, and your process with us. Thank you also for sharing the close-ups of each area. It’s like being able to stop and fully examine a work of art. It’s why some of us spend hours looking at one painting or sculpture or drawing. As we examine each emotion, each brush of color and hue, each collision of medium and maker.”
Kent Paulette replied to Susan, “That’s great to hear Susan! When I’m standing outside barefooted in the sunshine taking photos, I always love seeing the brushstrokes close-up…they’re my favorite part. I’m glad the pics are helping to convey that experience of seeing them in person.”
Hailey Schaefer wrote, “Ughhhh I love the face!!!!! Gorgeous!!!!”
Tracey Lawler wrote, “I am obsessed with horses and just LOVE -lovelovelove this!”
Benjamin Myers wrote, “That’s Jimi Hendrix’s next reincarnation!!”
Ann Mcnulty wrote, “This might be my favorite one yet! As a confirmed horse person, I think I would want to make this my first purchase.”
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